Competences & Legal Services

Protecting corporate clients

There are sev­er­al ways to re­act to neg­at­ive me­dia cov­er­age. Leg­al steps are on op­tion but not al­ways the solu­tion. Wheth­er one should re­act us­ing me­dia law de­pends on many de­tails of the in­di­vidu­al case.

We start by check­ing the facts and the leg­al op­tions. We then ad­vise wheth­er leg­al steps are ne­ces­sary. Here we do not only look at leg­al ques­tions but also at com­mu­nic­a­tion is­sues. Even suc­cess­ful lit­ig­a­tion may have a neg­at­ive im­pact on the cli­ents repu­ta­tion.

In­ter­view in »man­ager magazin« „In­ven­ted Stor­ies“
by Ursula Schwarzer
„Star At­tor­ney Prinz says why he of­ten sues me­dia - and yet is a friend of the press. …“

Prinz Lawyers


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