Competences & Legal Services

Security & Investigations

In association with the law firm based in Lon­don and New York, we of­fer the fol­low­ing ex­tra-leg­al ser­vices:

Intelligence & Investigations

Intelli­gence & In­vest­iga­tions

Our team of intelligence officers and in­vest­ig­at­ors con­ducts open-source and hu­man source en­quir­ies. They will help you with lit­ig­a­tion sup­port, due di­li­gence, as­set loc­a­tion and threat ana­lys­is. They can in­vest­ig­ate con­spir­acies, smear cam­paigns and oth­er hos­tile acts against you.

Cyber Security

Cyber Se­cur­ity

Our cyber security team conducts penetration test­ing and com­prom­ise de­tec­tion. It will re­spond to a live data breach and close it down, ad­vising you on tech­nic­al and leg­al rem­ed­ies. We con­duct se­cur­ity train­ing and crisis re­hears­al and will write your se­cur­ity policies. Our ex­perts can also con­duct di­git­al forensics in sup­port of in­vest­ig­a­tions.

Physical Security

Physical Se­cur­ity

We provide security risk audits, counter-sur­veil­lance ser­vices, close pro­tec­tion, CCTV and in­truder de­tec­tion sys­tems. We can ad­vise on fix­ated per­son risk. We also have a team on 24/7 glob­al standby to deal with kid­nap and un­law­ful de­ten­tion, black­mail, ex­tor­tion and ransom­ware at­tacks.


Private Dip­lomacy

Our team of experienced high-risk negotiators un­der­takes private dip­lomacy mis­sions around the world. These in­clude dis­pute res­ol­u­tion, unit­ing parties with com­mon in­terests, ne­go­ti­at­ing the re­turn of as­sets and provid­ing geo-polit­ic­al risk ad­vice.

Prinz Lawyers


For general inquiries:

All contact information and a contact form can be found on our contact page: Contact Page